Do Something you Love!

Do Something you Love!

When we are in pain or are struggling in some way we tend to get overwhelmed with the problem or problems we need to sort out. It is important and I need to do more of this myself, to do things you love doing to give yourself a break and put yourself in a better place. It does not have to be anything expensive or over the top if you cannot afford it or do not have the time. Play some music, I am always amazed at how much I love and respond to music. When I was suffering so much with my neighbours from hell (absolute hell). I used to put on some music in order to escape my predicament and cover the incessant stamping and pacing from my drugged up neighbour above. The results were amazing, I felt better, I covered the noise which could drive me to distraction. And the music triggered good feelings and good mind set! I love music even if it makes me cry - crying is of course therapeutic and good for the soul. Do some exercise checkout this run which is happening on the 11th of Dec and is arranged by a colleague at the gym, West Hampstead, London. I was never more aware of the homeless than when I was close to being homeless and indeed became homeless myself. Through unfair treatment which led to eviction, I was nearly on the streets fulltime. So I felt I should run for a good cause, I did the run with members from the gym and colleagues, we ran from Finsbury Park to Brixton for Crisis. Sadly I am unable to run this year but I will be helping and I would encourage any one to do it there is still time. Or do something similar in the future or organise your own run/walk for charity. Doing good helps you get over sadness, pain and struggle. Check out