It is vitally important to make sure you eat well at times when you feel a bit sad or when you feel any kind of pain mental or even physical because you want to keep your immune system strong and working well. If your immune system is not strong and stress, saddness, depression is known to lower the immune system, you will feel worse and start getting ill on top of everything. Juicing is an excellent way of loading your body with vital vitamins and minerals which are essential in staying in great condition. Juicing is basically blending a load of nutritious foods normally fruit and or veg in order to make smoothies in a few minutes to drink on a regular basis. This will help keep you strong. To make your smoothie choose fruit & veg you like and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Cucumber, Celery, Kiwi fruit, Black grapes, Carrots, Apples, Strawberries, Banannas, Spinach, Kale to name a few you could choose. Juicing is known to be great for our bodies and most importantly the immune system and anti-cancer. So good that people have been known to pass tumours from just regular healthy smoothies. Check out The Truth About Cancer.